First certification project: Done!

So today I completed the first certification project of freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design. The project was to build a survey form to collect data from my users, I imagined it would be a survey form for a future web app.

The requirements for the project were not very hard but I did have to go back to the previous lessons to check and remember some things. I like learning through projects because while I'm doing them suddenly I have a lot of questions that when I go through the lessons often don't come up, for example I was wondering what was the difference with using div and fieldset, now I know that even though they look the same fieldset is more appropriate for forms.

CSS is definitely a kind of art. While doing the project I found myself lost with how I wanted the survey form to look like. I had no idea how to make it attractive or pleasant. I know I like the color red which is why I settled on crimson as the background-color but apart from that, I found it difficult to visualize how it would look in the end.

I'll continue with the next lessons tomorrow, but so far I'm enjoying the journey although I don't know where it leads.