One month of blogging and Web Dev Journey.
It's been one month since I started my Web Development Journey! I've tried to code and learn something every day so I guess I can call it now a habit, blogging is still not a habit though (I'm working on it). This month I learned a lot! I'm very comfortable using Git and GitHub now, I'm comfortable using the CLI, I learned a lot about HTML and CSS, and I can create some websites (although I still struggle with the design side of things, choosing colors and fonts is an art). I think I've made some progress, and I'm proud of myself because there were some days in which I didn't want to do anything, and yet I still managed to code a little or read something to learn.
Today I started with the JS section in The Odin Project which has 15 lessons including three projects. I don't think I'll be having a lot of trouble since I do have experience with programming languages, mainly NetLogo and a little bit of Python. So I'm expecting to finish this section in two weeks, maybe if I do two lessons per day I'll finish in a week, but I know learning takes time so there is no point in rushing things. Even then I'll be sure to write a blog post for each of the three projects.
I know I kind of abandoned Free Code Camp's course, but I intend to return to it. I still owe the tribute page and I've been reading a few of Lovecraft's stories. They are so good!! So far I've really enjoyed "Beyond the wall of sleep", "The Tomb" and "The Beast in the Cave". I love the quote "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown".